Thursday, January 31, 2008

Today's word from Diary: Snow Day

I got up early today to start working and was planning to go out to breakfast. However the scenery outside the window told me that it wouldn’t be possible. "Look at the roof!" I said to my husband in slight shock.

"So much accumulated snow can be dangerous" he said, "Snow can become so heavy that it can make a roof collapse. Snow can also be dangerous for trees. Snow can accumulate in trees and snap the branches." An hour later, I actually saw a big tree branch break under the weight of the snow and fall to the ground. He continued "On days like this, classes are sometimes cancelled in school. It is called a 'Snow Day'. It is probably time for a snow day." Soon after, a text message arrived to inform that school was closed for today, and tomorrow.

Snow Day from the News
Area schools may be closed tomorrow, and while kids love a snow day, parents are left in the lurch. So who's going to watch your kids if you can't be there?
(Fox2 News from

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