Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

To celebrate Valentine's Day, we went out to dinner last night at an Italian restaurant called Tucci’s. The restaurant was very crowded. Valentine's Day is probably one of the busiest nights of the year for restaurants. Every time people came into the restaurant, a waiter repeated the same sentence to them, "You're looking at about 45 minutes." I guessed it meant that they should expect to wait for that amount of time, but I couldn’t understand why the phrase 'looking at' was being used. Looking at what? So I asked my husband, "What are those people looking at?" He answered, "It means you will experience waiting for 45 minutes. You are looking at the experience of waiting for 45 minutes."

As the waiter said, we waited for 45 minutes until we were seated. We both ordered pasta with a light sauce. I love this restaurant because the salad is so fresh and light without heavy dressing, and the pasta sauce is also not as heavy as many other Italian restaurants. The food just tastes perfect for me, and the service is good as well.

After dinner, we got home and had our small personal Valentine's Day party with chocolates, Kahlua, and a Valentine's Day balloon. My husband made a delicious drink blending Kahlua with milk and vanilla ice cream. He brought the drink to me and said in a really sweet voice, "Happy Halloween." Halloween? It’s almost 8 months away (October 31). I was a little confused, but just replied "Happy Valentine's Day." He realized that he made a mistake, and started laughing. He said, "It must’ve been the sweetest 'Happy Halloween' anyone has ever said! I mixed up Halloween and Valentine's Day because they are kind of similar. They are both commercialized holidays celebrated by a lot of people, yet people don't get days off from work." We had a great Valentine’s Day!

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